Categories: Tvorcheskye work
Topic: astronomy
Description of work: Creative Work on Meteorytы
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1. What Such a meteor and meteorite
Meteor - this phenomenon nebolshoho Flash Light (Size pea s) kosmycheskoho body (or meteor body) vtorhshehosya in zemnuyu atmosphere.
Meteorite - is obnaruzhennыy meteorite fragment skvoz atmosphere.
2. Bolydы
Very Bright meteorы, Often having the kind ohnennыh Sharov co svetyaschymysya tails
Эlektrofonnыe bolydы nablyudaemoe pryrodnoe rare phenomenon - anomalnыe sounds soprovozhdayuschye flew yarkyh meteorov, soprovozhdayuschyesya эlektromahnytnыmy vozmuschenyyamy - radyoshumamy, proslushyvaemыmy on obыchnыh receiver, Or tip statycheskoho эlektrychestva on the surface of the Earth and on objects simultaneously with voznykayuschymy flew bolyda.
3. Sharing views and Dimensions meteorytov
Signs meteorytov :
1. Bark plavlenyya , ona blog thickness no more than 1 mm and co âñåõ side pokrыvaet meteorite as text tonkoy skorlupы . Especially Well zametna bark Czerny Colors on the stone meteorites.
2. Pits on the surface
Wes meteorytov :
1. Samыe smiles meteorytы vesyat valleys gram
2. Usually meteorytы vesyat on Several kylohrammov
Meteorytы vesom in tens and hundreds of topics more than kylohrammov padayut very rare
How padayut meteorytы :
1. Padayut vnezapno
2. Fall always accompanied by very sylnыm svetovыmy and zvukovыmy phenomena.
3. Pronosytsya Bright bolyd
4. Jump meteor body obrazuetsja Shock Wave , temperature kotoroj 10000 - 100000oS
5 When popadanyy the ground uhlublyaetsya .
6 going on explosion .
7. On the spot explosion crater obrazuetsja
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