Sunday, January 26, 2020
Concepts of Black Identity
Concepts of Black Identity In the article Skin Bleaching, Self-Hate and Black Identity in Jamaica, Christopher Charles, tries to uncover the reason why Blacks in Jamaica decides to bleach their skin. In the article, Charles, uncover the word Identity which separates one entity from the rest. Jamaica is a plural society (Charles, 2003) and many black Jamaicans try to be accepted by the superior European culture. The major factor that contribute to the low self-esteem in Jamaicans are the black mothers telling their children white is better than brown and brown is better than black and their nappy hair is bad. Bleach has become so prevalent in Jamaica. The Ministry of Health and the Police force had to be more vigilant to crack down on bleaching. Many under-the-counter products were seized by the police but with a determination to have another identity many black Jamaicans were creating their own home-made products. Female advancement to be light-skinned or fair was blamed by the postindependence nationalist leaders. There are many reasons why females bleach but the one that stands out is their concerned with their body image (Charles, 2003). Christopher Charles made many interesting points as to why black Jamaicans bleach. The issue even 10 year olds in school are taking bleaching pill made me very upset. How could a mother or father put their own child through such a horrible treatment just so that their child can be brown skinned and be accepted by society? Bob Marley once said until the colour of a mans skin is of no more significance than the colour of his eyes. I agree with this statement because Jamaican women has lost track of what is important and significant about of black beauty. I also support the fact that parents should protect their child from all danger but endangering your child while trying to protect them color-coded or keeping up appearance is not accepted at all in my book. I think policy makers should put strict measures in place to severely deal with parents that strive to change the colour of their child skin and endanger them because the desire to change ones skin color to look different from ones racial group is cause by the psychological scars of the hierarchical plural society (Charles, 2003). The statement there are persons who are black, and they recognize this fact is true as far as I believe. However, Blackness has less salience in the construction of their identities (Charles, 2003). For example, someone (black) was adopted at a young age at about 12 by White parents. These white parents will teach their adopted child their values, norms and symbols because that is what the parent know to be right. The child identifying them as black but they still will not portray much of the black nominal. Another example of one embracing the nominal of other group is whites who become Rastafarian. They are not neglecting their own identity but their self-affirmed identity is with the group or groups whose values, norms and symbols they have incorporated (Charles, 2003) In concluding, I do agree with Charles on many aspects. Most black women, especially Jamaicans, have no value for their skin color any more. Parents instill this norm in their kids at a very young age, and therefore they grow up with the same mentality to teach their kids. And therefore, the cycle continues. The colonial system has miseducated our people into believing that the only standard of beauty is the one defined by European ideals (Charles, 2003). reeducation (Charles, 2003) is necessary for our people. Two Worlds by V.S Naipaul Two worlds defines how V.S. Naipaul, of Indian background, had to deal with the reality of knowing just about nothing of his ancestors other than his grandmothers house which had a little of the Indian history that their ancestors brought with them from India. He lived in a world where his Hindi language was minimal, only the alphabet was known among some, because the English language was penetrating through Trinidad. No one asked about India and when they decided to ask about it was already too late. As a writer his darkness became his subject. He wrote on India, Africa, the colony and many other topics. He traveled to India to discover what India was like because no one could have told him about India. He also traveled to different Caribbean region to learn more about the colonial setting. I cant remember anyone inquiring. And now the memory is all lost (Naipaul,n.d), this statement touch me because the Caribbean has a rich history as mix languages that was lost because of the constant change in the colonial master. In Grenada, many years ago we speak both English and French Creole but because of ignorance and selfish behaviors the French Creole language died with our great grandparents and was not pass down from generation to generation to preserve whats ours. But in St.Lucia French Creole has been passing down from generation to generation because they see the need to preserve what makes them different from the rest of the world and the Caribbean. Naipaul, (n.d) stated that All children, I suppose, come into the world like that, now knowing who they are. But for the French child, that knowledge is awaiting. That knowledge will be all around them. It will come indirectly from the conversation of their elders. It will be in the newspapers and on the radio. And at the s chool the work of generations of scholars, scaled down for school texts, will provide come idea of France and the French. The Mimic Men written by Naipaul, even if his intention was of the book was different but it capture a meaning of how the Caribbean is still on the puppet string being Mimic by the slave master. Men who had grown to distrust everything about themselves (Naipaul.n.d.). We are able to do anything and achieve anything on our own but once the former colonial master no longer in control get involved our inner slave starts to show itself, no longer we believe but obey and the Colonial men mimicking the condition of manhood (Naipaul, n.d.). In conclusion, Naipaul was lost in a world where he was born and a world where he was from. He travelled to India to discover where he came from, his ancestral land (Naipaul,n.d.) and also the Caribbean. Naipaul stated the world is always in movement and so we as Caribbean people need to move with the world for if we remind in mental slavery will and not up elevate our self our ancestor would have fought for our freedom in vain. O Brave New World by Maryse Conde The article O Brave New World by Maryse Conde raised some serious issues about globalization and what it means for the Caribbean. First he highlights, Caribbean countries seem to be the most concerned with this future since they lack political and economic power (Conde, 1998). This makes it difficult for Caribbean countries to compete in the global village against first world countries. Secondly, Conde, shamelessly states Globalization does not frighten me but For me it means reaching out beyond national and linguistic borders both in actual exchanges and transatlantic influences and in the expressive imagination of diasporic black communities (Conde, 1998). Here, Conde is showing that we do not need to have the largest economy nor political powers to break down barriers. We need to emerge together to overcome all obstacles as one people. Finally, Conde, highlighted black people had no intention of solving individually the problems of their specific countries but looked towards the t ransnationalization of black culture as a solution (Conde, 1998). He is mentioning that the barriers that once stood in front black people is beginning to give way and we Negroes of all origin and nationalities with different customs and religious vaguely sense that they belong, in spite of everything, to a single and same race(Conde, 1998). Sitting here and thinking how it is that we Caribbean people find it difficult to come together as one and not stand as individuals. Little Montserrat in the Caribbean, unknown to the majority of westerners, emerged from obscurity when it was threatened by the volcanic eruption of the Soufriere. This is a perfect example of why we need to stand as one people and not wait for a disaster to bring light to the Caribbean. I believe that we need to take ourselves out of the backward thinking and move towards a future thats transnational and global. Conde stated No intention of solving individually the problems of their specific countries. I dont agree with this statement because problematic countries will consume a lot of the other countries resources which will create even more problem for the resourceful country. For example, with the difficulties facing some African countries it would be hard to assist them. After encountering people of the same race from different countries, the state ment Negroes of all origin and nationalities with different customs and religious vaguely sense that they belong, in spite of everything, to a single and same race. On the religious aspect of the quote, I would have to agree with Conde. For example, in a black society of different religions: Rastas, Adventists and Catholics. Rasta believes that eating meat is bad, most Catholics believes that meat is good, while the Adventists think that pork (meat) is bad. Can everybody exist as one and not exist as multitude in the same race? I think not and this will create a lot of indifferences and cause a division between the people of the same race. In conclusion, the article, O Brave New World, has shown us that we still have a long way to go as transnational of black culture and with an ever changing world and each nation wanting to keep its own identity I think it would be difficult for any black nation to exist as one. Is Massa Day Dead? In the introduction of Is Massa Day Dead?, Orde Coombs highlight West Indian society is essentially a pappyshow society in which serious thought and dreadful calamities are acknowledge with the briefest of attention so that one can go about the business of ones business (Coombs,1974). In the West Indian society we give a blind eye to a lot of the serious issues or problems that plague our society in West Indian but in order to solve this issues we will have to change our way of thinking and remove The American cultural juggernaut that smashes its way into the willing or unwilling psyches of all the islanders (Coombs, 1974). Derek Walcott portrays a view that suggests he accepts both side of his heritage and cannot let one fade and one prosper but give both balance because both are important to his life. Brathwaite had a different view that we should accept our Africanness and neglect the other half of our ancestors. Whereas Millette and Rohlehr believe that black people need to stand up and drive its intellectual dynamic against the deepening pressure of this age of neo-colonialism (Coombs,1974). Hodge, Thomas, Hodgson, Stewart, Edmondson all speak of striving for equality among all black people and most importantly to take pride in our Africannes of West Indian society. In the Is Massa Day Dead? Brathwaite bids us a journey into the past to find the African and Amerindian in us, for only then can we become ourselves and measure the rhythm of our own creativity (Coombs,1974). Braithwaites views are that we should forget about the European that is in some of us, for example, Derek Walcott, like the halves of a fruit seamed by own bitter juice, that exiled from your own Edens you have placed me in the wonder of another, and that was my heritance and your gift. Walcott have both African and European in him and he claims both heritage and not one over the other but embracing of both cultures. Braithwaites view which I think dont apply in this global village but Walcott views pin point the direction that is being taking today as Coombs stated, black people have begun not only to probe their commonality, but to understand that the shibboleths that separate us. There are Many of the more serious thinkers of these islands who want to usher in a just society, who wants to abolish privileges based on race or class (Coombs, 1974). In the Caribbean we are still, sort of under the slave master mentally because once islanders make a valuable contribution to the island their ideas are not analyzed, but they themselves are put under a blaze of lights and their foibles and weaknesses exposed(Coombs,1974. With this type of mentality by islanders the island development will remind one place and not move forward but floats around like a piece of plank for all eternity. May be this due to the fact that Cultural juggernaut has penetrate our minds more then we think and it will and lot of education of our people and take us out of this illusion that America is better than us. In conclusion, I think that Coombs effectively displays a lot of the problems that we are faced with in the Caribbean. Among them, the inequality between men and women and how men still dominate and have high positions in society. However, in recent years, you will find women graduating with degrees and earning high positions in society. This clearly shows that woman are rising out of the mentally that women should be seen and not heard. Brathwaite and Walcott stand on their Africanness and Europeanness and for the many struggles that are still being fought by black thinkers to unshackle us from the neo-colonialism that still is with us today. West Indians and their Language by Peter A. Roberts West Indians and Their Language by Peter Roberts highlighted how geography, politically, definition, history and culture connects the West Indies language. The term West Indian as define by Roberts, it confers on the people of many different islands an identity or homogeneity which all of them do not want to be associated with (Roberts, n.d.). The term West Indies, does not have a precise meaning or definition but Roberts gives a general meaning it refers to the very same islands or territories (Roberts, n.d.). Roberts made mention of how geography and politics influence the West Indies connectively. Geographically, the islands are separated into the Greater Antilles and the Lesser Antilles there were separated because of the size of the islands and the distance from each other. Politically, the West Indies European policy determined the entities in the Caribbean by creating great distances or close links between the islands regardless of their actual distance from each other (Robert s, n.d.). Roberts, define the term language and a language. Language can be look at from the linguistic competence which the joining of the innate capacity (the child) and actual input from the society (words, phrases) (Roberts, n.d.). Languages in the West Indies change over time because of the constant chance of colonial (British, French) power which gives birth to the distinction of language throughout the West Indies. Roberts, highlights the varieties of language spoken in the West Indies. English which is said to be good or proper; English thats not good or proper is dialect (Roberts, n.d.). Roberts also give details of Creole, Patois and Slang that is part of the West Indies. Roberts enlighten me on West Indies language on how diverse our language is. I would have never thought that dialect is considered to be Standard West Indies English. Grenada, as history has shown, been through the French and the British hands for many years and finally become British about the 19th century (Roberts, n.d.). To look at why Grenada loss its French Creole I will take it from a cultural, educational and geographical point of view. First geographically, Grenada is located near to Trinidad than St.Luica and the other French Creole speaking islands. Cultural view because Grenada is now under the British rule, British will impose its culture on Grenada. Finally, from an educational view, British try or should I say eradicate French Creole through the use of school and teaching British language while the French Creole dead out. In conclusion, Roberts give a comprehensive understanding of West Indies language on how it went through so many different circles till it ends up as it is today. French Creole and many other languages that was lost because we were washed away of our African language and taught the European language English which is still considered bad or broken. West Indian English, however, unlike other dialect of English (perhaps excepting Indian English), has features which are significantly difference in nature, features which have resulted from the nature of the contact between African and European and from the circumstances of development of language in the West Indies (Roberts, n.d.). The Roots of Caribbean Identity: Language, Race and Ecology by Peter. A. Roberts In the article The Roots of Caribbean Identity: Language, Race and Ecology Roberts links how European countries embrace their identity which suggest that place, people and language are closely allied in the formulation of national identity (Roberts, 2008) and in the Caribbean we have a great present of European influence such as the language, place and person. Also he highlighted the notion of identity (Roberts, 2008). We in the Caribbean are the same but yet we still are different and how we as social being differentiate ourselves into classes. Finally, human societies are not static but no matter how similar or different we are we will create a new identity that will either be accepted or not. Language is in part a universal human factor and in part a factor of place this statement makes me think of how we as humans are the same but yet so different when it comes to our language. For example, here in Grenada we have this stigma (distinct language) between people from the country side (St.Patricks) and people from the town (St.Georges). Recognize speakers from outside their community by their speech. Someone from the country side will speak more dialect than someone from the town and someone from the town will speak not restricted to use of a single language because in the town people consider themselves as speaking standard English, considering they live on the tourism belt. Roberts stated that a sound is in essence what language or variety of language they speak. Many Caribbean islands national language is English because of the colonial ties with Britain. For example, if a tourist comes to Grenada; the taxi men and other people that come in contract with the tourist will know the nationality of that tourist base on their accent, for instance, if its a British tourist the taxi man will put on a British accent or if its an American the taxi man will put on an American accent. This is not a good way to appreciate our own language because the tourist might not even be able to understand what you are saying and this is why we as Caribbean people need to hold on to wants ours and pass it on from generation to generation. As Roberts mention while behavior may in some objective way be the best criterion for judging sameness, it is the sense of sight (colour/race) and sound (language) that provide the initial and usually most deep-seated conclusions about sameness and difference in identity. The Antilles: Fragment of Epic Memory written by Derek Walcott tells us of how the Caribbean move from a history of violence to what it is today. He mentions how the Caribbean culture is not evolving but already shaped (Walcott, 1992) and its proportions are not to be measured by the traveler or the exile, but by its own citizenry and architecture (Walcott, 1992). Which is true because when foreign looks at postcard they see blue sea, drinks with umbrella and they dont see the true nature of the island, the real history of the Caribbean. Walcott talks about how in Trinidad, the Indian people, reenact the Hindu Epic the Ramayana in the small village of felicity that shows the collective memory of its people which is the essence of human experience which goes way beyond any history that can be found in books. After reading and internalizing The Antilles: Fragment of Epic Memory, I agree with Walcott on one fact, which I think has been plaguing us in the Caribbean for some time now and it still is going on even if many efforts are being place in school to teach us about our history and not too much about the European history. As Walcott stated Every endeavor is belittled as imitation, from architecture to music for example, in Grenada the government is introducing to its school curriculum, consume making, with the intention of passing on some of our history to the youth. Today most of the youth are straying towards the first world culture. For instance, you would not fine a kid playing some of the Caribbean games no more but they would engaged in video and computer games or watch MTV or the Disney World channel or some foreign channel that dont teach them about their culture or ancestors. This is how the islands from the shame of necessity sell themselves; this is the seasonal erosion of their identity (Walcott, 1992). Walcott writes, Visitors to the Caribbean must feel that they are inhabiting a succession of postcards. The Caribbean is like a Botanical Gardens, as if the sky were a glass ceiling under which colonized vegetation is arranged for quiet walks and carriage rides (Walcott, 1992). The hidden beauty of the Caribbean is unknown by travelers (tourist) but known by citizens. The Caribbean seasons are like an unending summer of the tropics not even poverty or poetry seems capable of being profound because the nature around it is so exultant, so resolutely ecstatic, like its music, thats a perfect description of how the Caribbean is and not a postcard that tells a million words but the true essence of its culture, its people and its way of life. In conclusion, A culture based on joy is bound to be shallow (Walcott, 1992). Walcott speaks on how we take our culture, the people and the beauty and wonders of the Caribbean for granted. The Caribbean belong to us and we should portray it, not as a postcard, but a symbol of our heritage, our culture, our place of birth, as the song goes by Eric Donaldson this is the land of my birth, in essence, the Caribbean is the land of our birth and Caribbean people should not only express themselves when they are away from home, but should do so all the time. And in doing so, it should not be half represented. They should speak the true facts and paint the true picture of the land.
Saturday, January 18, 2020
African American Cultural Assessment Essay
Abstract In order to provide culturally appropriate care, an examination of oneââ¬â¢s personal views, beliefs, and prejudices must be examined. The first portion of this paper will examine my personal values, beliefs, biases, and prejudices. The remaining paper will analyze the African American culture relating to the Ginger and Davidhizarââ¬â¢s Transcultural Assessment Model cited in Hood (2010). This model uses six key cultural elements that include communication, space, social organization, time, environment, and biological variations. This model provides a systematic approach for assessing culturally diverse clients. I will also discuss an aspect of care that I would advocate a change in my clinical practice for the African American population. Cultural Self-Assessment Culture is one of the most basic elements that makes up the identity and personality of each individual. Every individual has their own culture rooted from the community they lived in and the family they grew up making up the personal identity people have in the general society Personal views, aspects of reasoning and judgment and the general logical thinking of an individual are affected significantly by the culture he or she has. In this aspect, the entire well-being of a person depends greatly on his or her culture. Becoming aware of how your actions and cultural beliefs affect the patients that you deal with is important. Thus, a person must regularly assess himself because an action or a mere word done or spoken by a nurse can be misunderstood by these patients coming from different cultures Being an American born and lived all my life in New Bedford, Massachusetts, culture has really affected me as a person. My mother and grandparents were born in Portugal and this gave me a variety of culture since we all know that New Bedford is a melting pot of cultures. Portugal possesses rich cultural inheritance from European, African, and North American cultures. Aside from that, mainly Portuguese and Hispanic people populate the community where I live in. These further made me grow as an individual that is rich in cultural inheritance. I am a person who has a Portuguese lineage, since my grandparents were natives of Portugal and a person who grew up in a community wherein Portuguese people mainly inhabits the land. Having an ethnic identity as a Portuguese American who acquiring the Portuguese cultures and practices surrounding me molded me as to who I am now. This ethnic affiliation will always be a part of me, my friends, and my family. Each cultural belief that I introjected within has already affected how my mentality works, and how my feelings reacts. Family and friends have always served as my fortress in time of trials and difficulty. They remain as my comfort zone whenever I feel so down. They are the main support people in my life from which I extract my energy from. Adopting this belief from my parents and from the community I live in is one of the proofs that the culture of the people around me had affected me well. Living with people who provide high regards to friends and families will make you have the similar perspective too. My culture does not affect much my preferences with medical treatments. In line with this, being an independent person, the decisions for my health mainly comes from me since I am the owner of this body. My family and friends will surely voice out their concerns, but it does not mean that I have to follow them, I might consider it but what would really matter will be my decision for my own health. As of what I have observed in my family, especially among my grandparents, the family is mainly a patriarch form of family. Decisions mainly depend on my grandfather since he is the father and the man in the family. Especially among Portuguese, it was noted that people in Portugal gives higher regards to male than to female. They still have this belief that a woman shall always be better than woman. However, in my case, growing as an American with a Portuguese lineage, things were far more different. I grew up having giving importance to democracy and equality. Voices of the female are now more heard, and I think male and female are both equal. This is because I think they have equal abilities, as well as, equal rights. Living in a community filled with Portuguese people made me learn English and Portuguese. Aside from that, my grandparents required me to learn those languages too, especially Portuguese which is their main language in their main land. However, the primary language that I utilize in everyday conversation is English and the secondary language that I know is Portuguese. However, most of the time, I am comfortable with non-verbal forms of communication, especially doing hand gestures. I am more expressive with this form of communication because I think it can bring many messages to the people that I interact with. With a mere wave of a hand, it can show joy, respect, accommodation, or even comfort to those people you interact with. Being a Roman Catholic is very importance to my daily life because this gives me support, comfort, and security whenever difficult situations occur. This belief helps me to cope with the trials I face by knowing that there is a supreme being up there that is in control of everything. That the God whom I know as my Father, my King, and my Savior loves me so much and will never forsake me whatever happens. Daily life gives us opportunities to grow with our spiritual relationship with God by walking each day with him, and applying his will and commandments in everything that we do. Foods are one of the things that I truly enjoy. I do not have any prohibitions whenever it comes to food. I know how to eat a variety of foods. I do not have any food allergies that might prohibit me from eating other foods. As long as it is clean and digestible, I can definitely give it a shot. Currently, I am in a relationship with my boyfriend of eight years who is interracial himself. My work provides me career growth and financial security that I definitely need to support myself. I have no issues with the job that I have right now, since it suffices the finances that I have. Nevertheless, of course, like anyone else, an opportunity for greener pastures will be much appreciated and entertained when it comes. Being a nurse, I am aware of all the possible medical treatments that can be done to each person experiencing illness. Even though I know how much these practices could help me survive various predicaments in health, I still prefer not to undergo through some of it in case I will encounter them in my life one day. I do not have problems taking medications and intravenous lines; however, I really do not want to be intubated at end of life decisions. I know how awful it seems, and how difficult is it having a tube being attached to me. I also do not want to live on life support because I think that such modalities only prolongs the agony that you feel. It has been my personal belief ever since that when the time comes that God wants to take the life He has given me, nothing can prevent that. As a Catholic, I believe that birth is a gift of life from God. Thus, I definitely go against with abortion, which kills an innocent childââ¬â¢s life. With regards to death, I believe that after death, the soul goes to purgatory, and God will judge you whether you will go to heaven or to hell. However, with regards to miracles and afterlife, I do not think that these are rational. As a person, I give high regard to a personââ¬â¢s hope. I believe that hope is essential for a person to live the life we have, and to fight the everyday battles that we face. Without hope in our lives, we lose the chance of living and enjoying the life we received from God. Instead, we become a living corpse, a person who is literally living physically yet the inside of the heart is as cold as a corpse, because he has no hope and no joy for anything. Cultural Assessment and Analysis Paper on African American Population The population that interested me to do additional research is African American population. The total population including all races and ethnicities in the United States is 308 million. After researching on the U. S. Census Bureau, I found 39 million African Americans live in the United States. One of the most glaring disparities is apparent in the African. American community, where 48% of adults suffer from a chronic disease compared to 39% of the general population (Health Reform, 2009). The CDC states that in 2004, African Americans had the highest age-adjusted all-causes death rate of all races/ethnicities (CDC, 2008). African Americans have become susceptible to many diseases and health problems throughout the last number of years. The male and female citizens of the African American population have been struggling with high rates of cardiovascular disease, hypertension, cancer rates, stroke, diabetes, asthma and HIV/AIDS just to name a few. African Americans have numerous health risks as well such as; higher incidence of homicide, lower physical activity levels, obesity, cigarette smoking, alcohol abuse, incarceration, unintended pregnancy, and untreated dental carries (Hood, 2010). Despite remarkable improvements in the overall health of our nation during the past couple of decades, compelling evidence suggests that our nationââ¬â¢s racial and ethical minority African Americans suffer increasing disparities in the incidence, prevalence, mortality, and burden of diseases and adverse health outcomes compared with white Americans (Copeland, 2005). The predominant barriers to accessible health care services for African Americans include inability to pay for services, lack of transportation and childcare, decrease understanding of treatment plans and inability to incorporate prescribed health plans into daily living patterns (Russell & Jewell, 1992). Furthermore, the African American populationââ¬â¢s cultural beliefs and health practices have a significant impact upon their well-being regardless of their educational levels and income. Therefore, these health beliefs and practices affect utilization of contemporary health-care service delivery systems even when other barriers have been eliminated. Differences in health beliefs and practices can be observed among African Americans in varying age groups, socioeconomic levels, and geographic locales. The commonalities include religious orientation, social support networks, and inform health care systems (Russell & Jewell, 1992). Religion is a focal point within the lives of African Americans. Many African Americans characterize health as a continuum evolving around mind, body, and spirit. African Americans also have large support systems including nuclear and extended families. They would rather rely on someone who may not be related by blood or marriage than to receive help from community agencies. Informal health care systems within the African Americans community often are consulted. A study showed that African Americans used an informal social network rather than receiving professional health care. Instead of consulting appropriate personnel, they are consulting family members and friends in regards to their personal health problems. This could be a factor in why the health disparities in this particular population are greater than any other race or ethnicity. The Ginger and Davidhizarââ¬â¢s Transcultural Assessment Model focuses on cultural elements. The model includes six cultural phenomena: communication, time, space, social organization, environmental control, and biological variations. These provide a framework for patient assessment and from which culturally sensitive care can be designed. In the following paragraphs, I will begin to talk about each key element and how it corresponds to the African American population. Communication is meaningful because of the culture that frames it, and culture must be expressed to exist. Communication is seen as a problematic part of cultural affiliation and not as caused or predicted by affiliation. Miscommunication is a frequent problem in hospitals. The most obvious is when the patient and hospital staff does not speak the same language. Although the dominant language spoken among African Americans is English, there is a way of speaking among some African Americans that sociolinguists refer to as African American English (AAE) (Campinha-Bacote, 2009). These terms include Black English, Ebonics, Black Vernacular English (BEV), and African American Vernacular English (AAVE) (Campinha-Bacote, 2009). They also prefer the use of nonverbal communication. Therefore, as nurses we should be able to provide care to African Americans without there being a language barrier present. In addition, a head nod does not necessarily mean agreement and when asked personal questions on initial contact with a person it may be viewed in their eyes as intrusive. Space refers to the distance between individuals when they interact. All communication occurs in the context of space. There are four distinct zones of interpersonal space: intimate, personal, social and consultative, and public. Research on use of space among African Americans is mixed. Some studies indicate that, in race-matched pairs, black children will stand closer to each other during conversation than white children do. Other research has shown that African American adults employ a greater public distance from each other than compared when interacting with family and friends. They also prefer close personal space and touching anotherââ¬â¢s hair is considered improper. African Americans tend to be late for appointments because relationships and events may be deemed more important than being on time. Social organization refers to the manner in which a cultural group organizes itself around the family group. Family structure and organization, religious values and beliefs, and role assignments may all relate to ethnicity and culture. African Americanââ¬â¢s have many female single-parent families. They are also known for large extended families, in which elders are respected. There preferred religion is Protestant (Baptist), majority of African Americans have a strong church and social affiliations. In 2005, the National Institutes of Health urged African Americans to use family reunions as venues for discussions about diabetes and kidney diseaseââ¬âdiseases that disproportionately affect this group (McCoy, 2011). Time is an important aspect of interpersonal communication. Time orientation varies according to age, socioeconomics, and subgroups and may include past, present, or future orientation. Preventive health care requires some future time orientation because preventive actions are motivated by a future reward. African Americans time orientation is present over future. Environmental control refers to the ability of the person to control nature and to plan and direct factors in the environment that affect them. African Americans have traditional health and illness beliefs. They also are known to use folk medicine; the folk healers are root workers. Some African Americans, particularly of Haitian background, may believe in sympathetic magic. Sympathetic magic assumes everything is interconnected and includes the practice of imitative and contagious magic. Contagious magic entails the belief that once an entity is physically connected to another, it can never be separated. This type of belief is seen in the practice of voodoo, when an individual will take a piece of the victimââ¬â¢s hair or fingernail and place a hex, which they believe will cause the person to become ill (Campinha-Bacote, 2009). To African Americans God is thought to be the spiritual healer. Biological differences, especially genetic variations, exist between individuals in different racial groups. Although there is as much diversity within cultural and racial groups as there is across and among cultural and racial groups, knowledge of general baseline data relative to the specific cultural group is an excellent starting point to provide culturally appropriate care. Nutritional preferences for African Americans include fried foods, and among pregnant women pica ingestion. African Americans are susceptible to many health conditions such as; keloid formation, lactose intolerance, sickle cell anemia, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency, thalassemia, sarcoidosis, hypertension, coccidioidomycosis, esophagus and stomach cancers. African Americans are at greater risk for many diseases, especially those associated with low income, stressful life conditions, lack of access to primary health care, and negating health behaviors (Campinha-Bacote, 2009). The greatest risk factor for cardiovascular disease and heart attacks amongst African Americans is hypertension. Compared with hypertension in other ethnic groups, hypertension among African Americans is more severe, more resistant to treatment, and begins at a younger age, and the consequence is significantly worse, including organ damage (Brewster, Van Montfrans, & Kleijnen, 2004). African Americans also have an overall higher cancer incidence and mortality rate than any other race African Americans suffer from certain genetic conditions. Sickle cell disease is the most common genetic disorder among the African-American population, affecting one in every 500 African Americans. In addition to sickle cell disease, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency, which interferes with glucose metabolism, is another genetic disease found among African Americans (Caminha-Bacote, 2009). African Americans also metabolized certain drugs differently such as immunosuppressants, antihypertensive, cardiovascular, antiretroviral, psychotropic drugs. After reading through several articles and journals regarding African Americans there are many areas that I would advocate for change but if I had to choose just one, I would pick HIV/AIDS. Many African-Americans are at high risk for HIV infection, not because of their race or ethnicity, but because of the behaviors, they may engage in. As with other ethnic/racial groups, HIV risk depends not on who you are, but on whether you engage in risk-taking behaviors with an HIV positive partner, and whether you have access to care, education and prevention services. The greater number of people living with HIV in African American communities and the fact that African Americans tend to have sex with partners of the same race/ethnicity means that they face greater risk of HIV infection with each new sexual encounter (CDC, 2011). Lack of awareness of HIV status can affect HIV rates in communities. Late diagnosis of HIV infection is common, which creates missed opportunities to obtain early medical care and prevention of transmission to others (CDC, 2011). This disease/illness can be prevented if maximizing the effectiveness of current HIV prevention methods. Implementing programs that teach individuals how to get tested for HIV and prevent the spread of the infection to others. The CDC has set up numerous activities within the communities to address prevention and spread of HIV. For example, The Act against AIDS campaign encourages African American women to get tested for HIV. In 2010, the CDC also began an Expanded Testing Initiative (ETI) for individuals to be tested for HIV. Even though there are multiple resources available to the African American population, I believe stigma, fear, and discrimination are a risk factor in which why they are afraid to be tested. Working in a hospital facility for almost over a year already, I have only been across two individuals who were tested for HIV/AIDS. After learning so much about African Americans and their numerous health disparities this particular infection, can be prevented. It amazes me that in 2009, black men accounted for 70% of the estimated new HIV infections among all blacks. By the end of 2008, an estimated 240,627 blacks with an AIDS diagnosis had died in the U. S. (CDC, 2011). After researching African Americans this particular race/ethnicity bares the most health disparities of all. A major aspect is the quality of the relationship with a health care provider, which is linked to patient satisfaction, adherence, and health outcomes. If African Americans feel that their provider has been, disrespectful they may not return for treatment, may try another provider, or may change their health care plans. This may be an enormous reason why the health disparities are the way they are in African Americans. Success in eliminating disparities in health care access and utilization requires all professionals to critically examine their own biases and to adopt the values and behaviors needed for social change. References Brewster, L. , Van Montfrans, G. , & Kleijnen, J. (2004). Systematic review: Antihypertensive drug therapy in Black patients. Annals of Internal Medicine, 14(18), 614-627. Campinha-Bacote, J. (2009). Culture and Diversity Issues: A Culturally Competent Model of Care for African Americans. Urologic Nursing, 29(1), 49-54. Center for Disease Control and Prevention. (2008). Highlights in Minority Health & Health Disparities. Retrieved from http://www. cdc. gov/omhd/Highlights/2008/HFeb08. htm Center for Disease Control and Prevention. (2011). HIV among African Americans. Retrieved from http://www. cdc. gov/hiv/topics/aa/PDF/aa. pdf Copeland, V. C. (2005). African Americans: Disparities in Health Care Access and Utilization. National Association of Social Workers, 30(3), 265-270. Health Reform. (2009). Health Disparities: A Case for Closing the Gap. Retrieved from http://www. healthreform. gov/reports/healthdisparities/ Hood, L. , Leddy, S. (2010) Conceptual Bases of Professional Nursing (7ed. ) Philadelphia: Lippincott William & Wilkins. McCoy, R. (2011). African American Elders, Cultural Traditions, and the Family Reunion. Generations-Journal of the American Society on Aging, 35(3), 16-21. Russel, K. , Jewell, N. (1992). Cultural Impact of Health-Care Access: Challenges for Improving the Health of African Americans. Journal of Community Health Nursing, 9(3), 161-169. U. S. Census Bureau. (2010). County Business Patterns and Demographics. Retrieved from http://www. census. gov/cbdmap/.
Friday, January 10, 2020
Macroeconomic measures
Organizationââ¬â¢s data is vital and has to be protected. This data should have relation with macroeconomic measures for success and effectiveness of the organization. Macroeconomic measures are closely coordinated with organization data for the organization to flourish. This coordination should comprise of efforts in stabilizing exchange rates and leading ultimately. Not only in organization data where microeconomic measures have an impact but also in economy as a whole in changes like unemployment, rate of growth, national income, price levels, gross domestic products and inflation.Using macroeconomic measures organization data helps in determining how well the organization is satisfying its customers. Management is in a position to determine how close organizationââ¬â¢s target is. The organization is in a position to track its accomplishment. Through macroeconomic measures and organizationââ¬â¢s data, it is possible recognize when an improvement is required and tracking u se of resources and how effectively they are used is possible. Organizationââ¬â¢s data with help of macroeconomics measures offer information that supports improvement efforts (Greenwald, 1982, p. 73).Business cycles affect the performances of big drive auto by improving it and making it more effective. If big drive auto applies business cycle in time, it improves its performance. Hiring of counter cycling during recession it helps in increasing market share for big drive auto and it establishes its brand identity. It also helps in building high quality work force, lowers costs and if big drive auto cuts production and inventories then there is anticipation for recession that may cut costs relative to their competitors.Business cycle affects performance of big drive auto by radically re-designing the organizationââ¬â¢s procedures and structure. Business cycle allows inclusion of economy-wide measures of performance offering benchmark to performance of big drive auto (Bromiley, et. al, 2008, p. 208). List of References Bromiley, P. et. al, (2008), ââ¬Å"strategic business cycle management and organizational performance: a great unexplored research stream,â⬠strategic organization, Vol. 6, No. 2, pp. 207-209 Greenwald, D. (1982), Encyclopedia of economics, California: McGraw-Hill
Thursday, January 2, 2020
Human Evolution And The Human Race Essay - 1126 Words
This essay is a continuation of an earlier work written for this class. I feel there is room to not only clarify ideas proposed, but expand and introduce supplemental ones to further define previous claims. The aim is to propose that though evolution and innovation are incredibly beneficial and important to the human race, through a series of questionable morals and vast amounts of wrongdoings have created a situation of over-innovation, or innovating past the point of benefit. Though from a cynical perspective, it is vital that we question what we do. Are we doing what is truly best for ourselves, our planet, and our neighbors? Or are we striving so arduously that we have essentially skewed right from wrong, and found ourselves in a situation that humans have lost the sense of morals when it comes to how far we can push innovation? Innovation is the way that species evolve and ameliorate their means to their ends, whatever that end result may be. Undoubtedly, human evolution is an impressive trend of wise decision making, trial and error, and frankly luck. To paraphrase a great mind of our time, Richard Dawkins stated that human creation is a nearly impossible event, and our evolution a rare and improbable one. In fact, our creation is still being proven as more and more evidence confirms the idea of The Big Bang. This is because of the pure improbability, itââ¬â¢s hard to comprehend and come to terms with our creation, which is why humans have invented ways to copeShow MoreRelatedThe Evolution Of The Human Race1681 Words à |à 7 PagesFaith Vs. Fact The universe is a vast and endless portal of knowledge and experience whose origin and creation is not fully proven. There are two ideologies that the human race has adopted into giving reason for our existence as well as our evolution; this being, religion, and science. 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